Accepted Papers
Accepted papers
Long papers
Below, you will find an alphabetically ordered list of accepted long papers. By clicking on a paper, you can access its abstract, as well as a link to the full paper, the presentation made at the conference and its poster. Proceedings can be found at volume 215 of PMLR.
- Miriam Alonso de la Fuente and Pedro Terán: Sets of probability measures and convex combination spaces
- James Bailie and Ruobin Gong: Differential Privacy: General Inferential Limits via Intervals of Measures
- Alessio Benavoli, Alessandro Facchini and Marco Zaffalon: Closure operators, classifiers and desirability
- Marta Bilkova, Sabine Frittella, Daniil Kozhemiachenko, Ondrej Majer and Krishna Balajirao Manoorkar: Describing and Quantifying Contradiction between Pieces of Evidence via Belnap Dunn Logic and Dempster-Shafer Theory
- Kevin Blackwell: Representing Suppositional Decision Theories with Sets of Desirable Gambles
- Hannah Blocher, Georg Schollmeyer, Christoph Jansen and Malte Nalenz: Depth Functions for Partial Orders with a Descriptive Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Michele Caprio and Ruobin Gong: Dynamic Precise and Imprecise Probability Kinematics
- Michele Caprio and Teddy Seidenfeld: Constriction for sets of probabilities
- Lydia Castronovo and Giuseppe Sanfilippo: A Generalized Notion of Conjunction for Conditional Events
- Leonardo Cella: Finite sample valid probabilistic inference on quantile regression
- Esther Anna Corsi, Tommaso Flaminio, Hykel Hosni and Lluís Godo: A modal logic for uncertainty: a completeness theorem
- Fabio Cozman: Markov Conditions and Factorization in Logical Credal Networks
- Jasper De Bock: A Theory of Desirable Things
- Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp and Jasper De Bock: Desirable Sets of Things and Their Logic
- Keano De Vos, Gert de Cooman and Jasper De Bock: Indistinguishability through Exchangeability in Quantum Mechanics?
- Rabanus Derr and Robert Williamson: The Set Structure of Precision
- Antonio Di Nola, Serafina Lapenta and Giacomo Lenzi: A point-free approach to measurability and statistical models
- Didier Dubois, Romain Guillaume and Agnès Rico: Eliciting hybrid probability-possibility functions and their decision evaluation models
- Alexander Erreygers: Sublinear Expectations for Countable-State Uncertain Processes
- Marc Fischer: A Comparison Between a Frequentist, Bayesian and Imprecise Bayesian Approach to Delay Time Maintenance
- Christian Fröhlich, Rabanus Derr and Robert C. Williamson: Towards A Strictly Frequentist Theory of Imprecise Probability
- Romain Guillaume: Robust possibilistic production planning under temporal demand uncertainty with knowledge on dependencies
- Martin Jann: Testing the Coherence of Data and External Intervals via an Imprecise Sargan-Hansen Test
- Radim Jirousek, Vaclav Kratochvil and Prakash P. Shenoy: On the Relationship between Graphical and Compositional Models for the Dempster-Shafer Belief Function Theory
- Jason Konek: Evaluating Imprecise Forecasts
- Serafina Lapenta, Sebastiano Napolitano and Luca Spada: The logic FP(Ł,Ł) and two-sorted equational states
- Roman Malinowski, Sébastien Destercke, Emmanuel Dubois, Loïc Dumas and Emmanuelle Sarrazin: Uncertainty Propagation using Copulas in a 3D Stereo-matching Pipeline
- Ryan Martin: Fiducial inference viewed through a possibility-theoretic inferential model lens
- Vitor Martin Bordini, Sébastien Destercke and Benjamin Quost: Learning Calibrated Belief Functions from Conformal Predictions
- Denis Mauá and Fabio Cozman: Specifying Credal Sets With Probabilistic Answer Set Programming
- Enrique Miranda, Renato Pelessoni and Paolo Vicig: Vertical Barrier Models as Unified Distortions
- Enrique Miranda and Arthur Van Camp: A study of Jeffrey’s Rule with imprecise probability models
- Giacomo Molinari: Trust the Evidence: Two Deference Principles for Imprecise Probabilities
- Ignacio Montes: Neighbourhood models induced by the Euclidean distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence
- Yema Paul, Alexander Erreygers and Jasper De Bock: Expected Time Averages in Markovian Imprecise Jump Processes: A Graph-Theoretic Characterisation of Weak Ergodicity
- Floris Persiau and Gert de Cooman: Imprecision in Martingale-Theoretic Prequential Randomness
- Davide Petturiti and Barbara Vantaggi: No-Arbitrage Pricing with \alpha-DS Mixtures in a Market with Bid-Ask Spreads
- Julian Rodemann, Christoph Jansen, Georg Schollmeyer and Thomas Augustin: In all Likelihoods: How to Reliably Select Pseudo-Labeled Data for Self-Training in Semi-Supervised Learning
- Prakash P. Shenoy: On Distinct Belief Functions in the Dempster-Shafer Theory
- Erik Skau, Cassandra Armstrong, Duc P. Truong, David Gerts and Kari Sentz: Open World Dempster-Shafer using Complementary Sets
- Matthias Troffaes: A Nonstandard Approach To Stochastic Processes Under Probability Bounding
- Hénoïk Willot, Sébastien Destercke and Khaled Belahcène: Prime implicants as a versatile tool to explain robust classification
1-page abstracts
Poster Abstracts
Below, you will find an alphabetically ordered list of accepted short papers. By clicking on a paper, you can access its abstract and poster.
- Loïc Adam and Sébastien Destercke: Handling Inconsistent Preferences using Possibilities and Information Fusion
- Jorge Álvarez Reyero and Enrique Miranda: The World Cup Football revisited
- Cassandra Armstrong, Duc P. Truong, Erik Skau and Kari Sentz: Accelerated Dempster-Shafer using Tensor Train Decomposition
- Juan Baz, Ander Gray and Raúl Pérez-Fernández: Measuring Deviation from Stochastic Dominance under Imprecision
- Miriam Bowen: Indeterminacy and Imprecise Credences
- Marco de Angelis and Ander Gray: Verified bounds on the imprecise failure probability with the SIVIA algorithm
- Arne Decadt: Removing Redundancies for Faster Inference
- Hadeer A. Ghonem, Tahani Coolen-Maturi and Frank P. A. Coolen: Performance Evaluation of NPI Methods with Copula for Bivariate Data
- Ander Gray, Vignesh Gopakumar, William Hornsby, James Buchanan and Stanislas Pamela: Evaluating imprecise probabilities in fusion plasma surrogates using conformal prediction
- Hana Kalpak: Imprecise Decision Theories for Lockeans
- Zhenhua Li: Modelling Higher Order Evidence with Second Order Imprecise Probability
- Rafał Łochowski: A new outer measure on the space of model-free generalized processes
- Alexander Marquard, Julian Rodemann and Thomas Augustin: An Empirical Study of Prior-Data Conflicts in Bayesian Neural Networks
- Ignacio Montes: Comonotone (natural) extension of coherent lower probabilities
- Serafín Moral: Desirable Gambles Based on Pairwise Comparisons
- Serafín Moral García and Joaquín Abellán Mulero: A Bagging method for Cost-sensitive Imprecise Classification
- Max Nendel and Alessandro Sgarabottolo: A parametric approach to the estimation of convex risk functionals based on Wasserstein distance
- Daira Pinto Prieto, Ronald de Haan and Aybüke Özgün: A Belief Model for Conflicting and Uncertain Evidence: Connecting Dempster-Shafer Theory and the Topology of Evidence
- Erik Quaeghebeur: “Uncertainty Representations and Reasoning”: A Course on Uncertainty Modeling Beyond Probability Theory
- Rick Reubsaet, Erik Quaeghebeur and Thomas Krak: Expected Hitting Times for Continuous-Time Imprecise Markov Chains
- Julian Rodemann, Thomas Augustin and Rianne de Heide: Interpreting Generalized Bayesian Inference By Generalized Bayesian Inference
- Georg Schollmeyer, Hannah Blocher, Christoph Jansen and Thomas Augustin: On the Analysis of Epiontic Data: A Case Study
- Matthias Troffaes: A constructive theory for conditional lower previsions only using rational valued probability mass functions with finite support
- Matthias Troffaes, Behzad Kazemtabrizi, Andrew Smallbone, Henna Bains, Andrew Jenkins and Paul McKeever: Using probability bounding to improve decision making for offshore wind planning in industry
- Pieter-Jan Vandaele and Jasper De Bock: Policy Iteration for Sum-Product Inferences
- Tuan-Anh Vu, Sohaib Afifi, Éric Lefèvre and Frédéric Pichon: Optimization Problems with Evidential Linear Objective
- Marco Zaffalon, Alessandro Antonucci and Oleg Szehr: Solving the Allais Paradox by Counterfactual Harm