Invited Speakers
ISIPTA 2023 is honoured by the presence of three outstanding scientists whose research is connected to Imprecise Probability Theory. Gert de Cooman, Marta Kwiatkowska and Michel Grabisch will be our invited speakers.
Gert de Cooman
Ghent University

Short Bio:
Gert de Cooman is a Senior Full Professor in Uncertainty Modelling and Systems Science, and head of the Foundations Lab, at Ghent University, Belgium. He is one of the founding members and a former President of the Society for Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications. His research interests include the foundational and mathematical aspects of imprecise probability models, and he has made important contributions to the theory of lower previsions, sets of desirable gambles, choice functions, game-theoretic probability, random processes with imprecise probabilities, and imprecision in algorithmic randomness. His research has led to well over a hundred publications, including a research monograph on lower previsions. He has supervised ten, and is currently supervising five, PhD theses in imprecise probabilities.
Marta Kwiatkowska
University of Oxford

Short Bio:
Marta Kwiatkowska is Professor of Computing Systems and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Oxford. She is known for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of model checking for probabilistic systems, focusing on automated techniques for verification and synthesis from quantitative specifications. She led the development of the PRISM model checker (www.prismmodelchecker.org), the leading software tool in the area and winner of the HVC Award 2016. Probabilistic model checking has been adopted in diverse fields, including distributed computing, wireless networks, security, robotics, healthcare, systems biology, DNA computing and nanotechnology, with genuine flaws found and corrected in real-world protocols. Kwiatkowska is the first female winner of the Royal Society Milner Award, and was awarded the BCS Lovelace Medal, Van Wijngaarden Award and an honorary doctorate from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. She won two ERC Advanced Grants, VERIWARE and FUN2MODEL, and is a coinvestigator on the EPSRC Prosperity Partnership FAIR and the EU European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI network ELSA. Kwiatkowska is a Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of ACM, EATCS and BCS, and Member of Academia Europea.
Michel Grabisch
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Short Bio:
Michel Grabisch is full professor of Computer Sciences at Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, honorary senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and head of the Micro-Economic Theory group at Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne. His research interests cover a variety of topics, in particular decision making, game theory, networks, opinion dynamics, and discrete mathematics. His main contributions are on the one hand in the field of nonadditive probabilities (capacities), the Choquet integral and their application in multicriteria decision making, and on the other hand in cooperative games and their solution concepts, in particular their combinatorial and geometric properties. He has authored and co-authored more than 130 papers in international journals and five books. He is co-editor in chief of 4OR (Quarterly Journal of Operations Research), and associate editor in Annals of Operations Research, Mathematical Social Sciences, and Order.